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Notes on Test Results and Scientific Study of
Magnetite Ormus Effect Water (MEOW)

ver. 1.0.4

last revision date: 11/03/2019

A Short Glossary
Please bear in mind as you peruse the pages of this website the meanings of the following terms:

MEOW -- magnetite effect ormus water

MEOW device -- a device employing a mass of magnetite black sand which is used for MEOW transformation of water or other aqueous liquids. A MEOW device usually consists of a container holding a shell of magnetite with a hollow within into which a bottle of water may be inserted for treatment.

MEOW kettle -- an alternate term for a MEOW device; term is used interchangeably with the terms MEOW device or MEOW alembic.

MEOW alembic -- an alternate term for a MEOW device; term is used interchangeably with the terms MEOW kettle or MEOW device.

If you wish to read more about these terms and how they came into use, please see the section entitled A Note on Boring Terms and Not-So-Boring Terms and a Short Glossary, on the main page of this website.

Results of Some Laboratory Tests

I have performed some laboratory assays of the water treated by the basic MEOW device (after 3 days treatment) and also by the SM-1 device (10 hour treatment) and SM-2 device (10 hour treatment), compared with samples of untreated water employed as a control; all water used was unfiltered and untreated mountain well water with a starting TDS of about 35 ppm. The tests have included the following assays of both control (i.e., untreated) and experimental (treated) samples:

  • electrical conductivity
  • electrical resistance
  • TDS in ppm
  • Brix refractometry measure of specific gravity
  • ORP
  • pH
  • rH2 score, aka relative hydrogen score
  • parallel planar slab sample capacitance
  • relative paramagnetic and ferromagnetic properties
  • measures of surface tension and viscosity
  • absorbance and transmission spectrophotometry in the UV, VIS and NIR range
A few of the tests yielded interesting and significant results, primarily (but not limited to) the UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometric absorbance tests,.  Please see the section below for some screen shots of the absorbance spectra of MEOW treated water versus untreated water.

UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometric Absorbance Spectra Study
The screen shots shown below for UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometric absorbance were taken on March 22, 2007 and the study compared the absorbance spectra of MEOW treated water (treated for 3 days in a traditional MEOW device, using cardboard construction and containing 10.5 lbs magnetite black sand) versus untreated water. Both the control and experimental sample bottles had been filled at the same time from the same batch of unfiltered mountain well water with a TDS of about 32 ppm, and both were tested after 3 days. The changes in MEOW treated water were significant when compared with the control sample and also differed significantly from absorbance spectra normally seen with water treated only via magnetic means. For the purposes of display on this website, we shall concentrate on the absorbance spectra exhibited by the treated MEOW water in the UV-violet-blue-green range, seen near the left side of the chart. There were a few other changes as well in both absorbance and transmission spectra the VIS and NIR range, but they were of lesser significance and need to be explored further prior to publication.

The screen shots below show first the flatline absorbance spectra for the control sample, followed by the screen shot for the MEOW treated sample. Testing was performed on 3/22/2007; tests were performed twice each time on each of three sets of samples, each drawn from separate control bottles and separate MEOW treated bottles; the results shown below were typical of all runs.  For both samples, ignore the sharp vertical peaks at 192 nm and at 647 nm; they are artifacts due to the light source employed. In the screen shot of the absorbance spectra for the MEOW treated water sample, please note the gentle and very significant rise in absorbance from 215 nm to about 520 nm, with a peak at about 300 nm. and a continuation of the curve via a gentle "tail" which continues beyond 380 nm to 550 nm, resulting in a very gentle drop in the slope between about 380 nm and 520 nm.

Screen shots are reproduced below:

absorbance spectra-control-untreated water
The screen shot above from the UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer operating system shows the absorbance spectra for the control sample, that is, the sample of untreated water drawn from the same batch at the same time as the water to be treated, and stored for three days in a PET water bottle until time of testing. Ignore the sharp vertical peaks at 192 nm and at 647 nm; they are artifacts due to the light source employed. Please note the relatively flat-line spectra at or near an intensity of zero,from 200 nm to 800 nm and beyond.

spectrophotometric absorbance spectra-MEOW-treated water
The screen shot above from the UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer operating system shows the absorbance spectra for a sample of water from a 21 ounce PET bottle which had been treated with a traditional MEOW device for 3 days. The bottle of water was drawn from the same batch and at the same time as the control sample. As noted above for the control sample, please ignore the sharp vertical peaks at 192 nm and at 647 nm; they are artifacts due to the light source employed. Please note the gentle and very significant rise in absorbance from 215 nm to about 520 nm, with a peak at about 300 nm. and a continuation of the curve beyond 380 nm and past 430 nm, resulting in a very gentle drop in the slope between about 380 nm and 520 nm.

Interpretation of  Absorbance Spectra Exhibited by Sample
The marked change in absorbance spectra for the MEOW treated sample compared to control sample indicates that the water, post-treatment, absorbs more light in the UV, near-UV, violet, blue and green regions of the spectrum than does untreated water. Further testing showed that the exact height and shape of the curve depended to some extent upon the type of source water employed, its TDS, and the spectrum of minerals and trace elements present in the source water, but the curve shown above is quite typical for many spring/well water samples with TDS between 30 and 400 ppm. While absolute and definitive interpretation is totally impossible based upon testing results derived only from such spectrophotometric absorbance tests, these absorbance spectra results, along with results of other tests of material properties (including pH, electrical conductivity, surface tension, capacitance and viscosity) suggest that the water exhibits changes not normally seen with conventional magnetic treatment of water (i.e., the position and shape of the absorbance curve for the MEOW treated sample was different from that typically seen with magnetic treatment), and suggests that the changes may be due to changes in the hydrogen bonding angle of the water molecule and/or in the ionic properties of ionic minerals and trace elements dissolved in the water.

Additional Test Results and Interpretations
In addition to the effects of MEOW water which I sense via intuition and that I observe after having drunk the water for several months, I continue to perform in-house tests on MEOW water compared to untreated water using conventional Western scientific testing and measurement equipment, and, as my budget allows, I will be sending samples of treated and untreated water to independent outside testing labs which are able to run specialized tests for me. I will share results, findings and my interpretations as and when possible here on this webpage.

An Email List Group on Magnetite Effect Ormus Water (MEOW) Treatment Technologies

The Forbidden Science (VP) group hosted at encompasses and subsumes topics covered by each of the several relevant legacy list groups that I had operated at private Yahoo Groups, including Exotic Energies, Ormus-like, Ormus PWT, Time-Space Doorways, Elixir Vitae, Jenny Cell, Radiation Hormesis/Radiation Nutrition, and Quantum Quiet (space effect devices) legacy list groups.

Forbidden Science (VP)
The term "forbidden science" was first coined in the 1980s by Dr. Jaques Vallee, a PhD computer scientist and strange/fringe science researcher, to describe those fields of scientific investigation that the current scientific "establishment" tends to view as quack science, or as fringe science, and as undesirable topics for "serious" scientists to research; those fields include the topic of UFOs and "space aliens", alchemy, ormus nutritionals, the paranormal, overunity devices, exotic energies (aka prana or chi) beyond the pale of conventional electromagnetics, and numerous other "fringe science" and "strange science" realms.

This list group serves as a continuation of the various legacy forbidden science list groups, listed above, that were operated by Vinny Pinto for 15+ years until the October 2019 downscaling of Yahoo Groups. Vinny is a mystic, spiritual teacher/guide, spiritual healer, and a multi-disciplinary consulting and R&D scientist/engineer.

The primary focus of this list group is to discuss topics in the realms of forbidden science, aka strange science, aka fringe science, including UFOs and "space aliens", alchemy, ormus nutritionals, the paranormal, overunity devices, exotic energies (aka prana or chi) beyond the pale of conventional electromagnetics, and numerous other "fringe science" and "strange science" realms.

While the name and description of this list group are publicly listed at and on search engines, all posts sent to the list group are private and are viewable by list group members only. This is a moderated list group. Further, all applicants wishing to join the list group must state their reasons for wishing to join along with their name and general location, and all posts sent to the list group must be signed with the poster's first and last name in order to be published. We do not tolerate hate posts, and we do not tolerate trolls, nor troll posts.

How to Join
If you are interested in joining this list group, you may do so by visiting the list group home page and clicking "Join" at:

Or you may send an email to:

Please note that the list group, as is true of all of my email list groups, are restricted-membership list groups, and thus, once you have applied to join, you will then shortly receive an email from the mailserver, entitled something along the lines of "Your Pending Membership in….", which will ask you for certain information; you will need to send the requested information (including your first and last name) back to the list group moderators by replying to the message if you wish your application for membership to be approved.


Further Notes and Q/A on Constructing Your Own Devices
Please see the FAQ page elsewhere on this site for further notes and questions and answers regarding constructing your own devices using cardboard and hot glue.

Requests for Bottles of Treated Water and for PoP Prototype Devices Assembled Using Sturdy Plastic Shells

If you are looking for MEOW treated water or for pre-assembled devices and shells for devices (where you procure magnetite from a source of your choice and fill the device with magnetite after receiving the shell), please see the Prototype Products Catalog page on this website.

This material is offered solely for educational and informational purposes. Any products and/or information presented are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA (in USA.)

Any products, technologies or devices mentioned on this page are experimental prototypes only, produced for the sole purposes of research and Proof of Principle (PoP) evaluation by professional or individual researchers or experimenters. The reader understands that the author is not engaged in rendering health or medical advice or services.  The site owner and authors provide this information, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that people act on it at their own risk and with full knowledge that they should consult with licensed primary care medical professionals for any medical assistance they may need.  The author(s) of the material presented on this site are neither medical nor nutritional professionals. 

If you wish to learn more about my work and/or about my consulting services, please feel free to visit my main website at

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Webpage creation and editing notes: The webmaster, web designer and webpage editor for this website is Susan Hislop (aka Sue-Cat). You may visit her website on knitting technical editing at